--> The Secret To Perfect Skin – Shea Desire

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The Secret To Perfect Skin

We all want perfect skin but are we willing to do the work attain it? Perfect skin is due to work done on the inside and on the outside. The secret is… There’s no secret to having great skin, hair and nails. The main factors that contribute to this feat are sleep, nutrition, physical activity, being stress free and using Shea Desire. 
Let’s get straight to it.


According to a study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, people who slept seven to nine hours a night had skin that was more moisturised and could protect and repair itself better after being exposed to ultraviolet light.
Cortisol (the stress hormone) levels rise when you don't get enough sleep, causing your skin to become irritated. This can result in a pale complexion and puffiness around the eyes. By getting eight hours of sleep every night, you can keep your cortisol levels in check and avoid these symptoms.
Your skin creates new collagen while you sleep, which helps to prevent sagging. "That's part of the repairing process," says Patricia Wexler, MD, a dermatologist in New York. Collagen-rich skin is plumper and less prone to wrinkles. If you sleep for only 5 hours a night, you'll have twice as many fine wrinkles as if you sleep for 7 hours. It also dries out the skin, making lines more visible.
Because your skin isn't exposed to the sun or free radicals while you sleep, it can concentrate on healing (harmful molecules from the environment). Blood flow is also more consistent, according to Wexler, allowing your skin to benefit from the flesh-repairing ingredients in your beauty products. 
After a night of not getting enough sleep, you're more likely to develop dark circles or bags under your eyes. Swollen eyes are one of the first things we notice when we don't get enough sleep, according to Doris Day, MD, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center. You will have less puffiness beneath your eyes if you get adequate sleep. Drink plenty of water and bring a cushion to hold your head up.
Skin loses more water during sleeping than it does throughout the day. Doris Day suggests using a creamier moisturiser before bed and consuming plenty of water during the day to keep your skin nourished overnight.


The major skin disorders associated with various vitamin deficiencies demonstrate the relevance of nutrition to our skin's health. Vitamins A and C, as well as the B vitamins riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3), iodine, and zinc, all help to keep skin healthy. While a lack in these nutrients might have an impact on skin health, once we have a good nutritional foundation, more isn't always better.
Vitamin C is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables, peppers, and tomatoes, and is required for the creation of collagen, the protein that gives skin strength and flexibility. Many tissues in the body, including the skin, rely on regular collagen production to maintain their structure.
Fats operate as a "glue" between the "bricks" of skin cells, reducing water loss and keeping the skin moist. Omega-3 fatty acids are in short supply in many people's diets. Shorter-chain omega-3 fatty acids can be found in nuts (especially walnuts) and seeds, as well as oils like rapeseed and flaxseed. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids can be found in oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Staying hydrated is also essential since the skin loses water as a result of exposure to the elements. According to Public Health England, we should drink at least 6-8 glasses of fluids per day.


It's no surprise that exercise is beneficial to your heart, lungs, and mental health. Another motivation to begin exercising is this: One of the keys to having healthy skin is to exercise regularly.

We tend to focus on the cardiovascular advantages of exercise, which are significant. But, as dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD, author of Simple Skin Beauty, points out, "everything that encourages healthy circulation also helps keep your skin healthy and vibrant."
By increasing blood flow, exercise helps to nourish and maintain the viability of skin cells. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all of the body's functional cells, including the skin. Blood flow helps remove waste products from working cells, such as free radicals, in addition to giving oxygen. Contrary to popular perception, exercising does not cleanse the skin. Toxin neutralisation is essentially the responsibility of the liver. However, greater blood flow aids in the removal of cellular waste from the system. Think of it as a deep cleaning from the inside out for your skin.


We've all been stressed in some way, whether it was for a short or extended length of time. Work, family issues, and financial difficulties are all inescapable components of everyday life that contribute to emotional tension. Cortisol (the stress hormone)  inhibits the formation of beneficial oils during times of stress. Because those vital oils operate as a protective covering for us, we become dry, harsh, and irritable. According to Dr. Ciraldo the skin begins to "leak" water if there aren't enough lipids to keep it hydrated. This is known as transepidermal water loss. Cortisol also encourages the overproduction of sebum, the oil that can cause acne. “As a result, many of us find that our skin becomes more oily and acne-prone when we're stressed,” she explained. This activity changes the pH of the skin, jeopardising the acid mantle and making the microbiome — the trillions of symbiotic microorganisms that live on and in the skin barrier — a hostile habitat.


In the same way that a healthy diet benefits your body, quality skin-care products may improve your skin. 
Although the beauty industry is awash in high-tech gadgets and cutting-edge ingredients, newer isn't always better when it comes to addressing some of the most common skin care concerns. In some cases, simple natural cures may be just as effective as scientifically developed alternatives.
Shea butter is used in a range of moisturisers (Including Shea Desire), because it's full of fatty acids and nutrients and it effectively moisturises the skin. These nutrients have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Shea butter, may be very helpful in treating and soothing eczema. Shea butter also has the advantage of seldom causing skin allergies, making it suited for even the most delicate skin types.
So we see the secret to perfect skin isn't so secret after all. Getting a good nights rest, eating right, keeping the body active, while staying stress free and applying Shea Desire. Not an easy feat but possible. We all want that amazing glow without using a filter, but my question remains the same.. are we willing to put in the work to get it?